Dress Code

As role models for the children, it is important that our dress code sets an  appropriate example and encourages them to take pride in their appearance. To  this end, please could we remind all staff that we should dress in a professional and  appropriate manner for the role in which we are employed to undertake - with the  following expectations adhered to at all times, unless previously agreed: 

● Male staff are expected to wear a shirt and tie, with a blazer/jacket as optional  - with top buttons on the shirt done up; 

● Staff should not wear denim or leather clothing; 

● Strappy tops, crop tops and beach type wear is not acceptable; ● Sensible, smart shoes should be worn at all times. Boots are acceptable if they  are smart - but Ugg boots, trainers, flip flops and beach sandals are not  acceptable; 

● Sports staff are expected to wear their branded Barfield uniform - or as close  as possible if uniform has not yet arrived. Leggings may be worn but must be  Barfield branded;

● Those staff who teach academic lessons and sport on a daily basis should be in  smart clothing in the morning and then change into their sports kit for their  PE / Games Teaching - or vice versa depending on when the lessons fall. Once  changed, they are not expected to change back if they need to go back into the  classroom (if time does not allow to change during the day, due to teaching  loads / duties, then it may be acceptable to wear sports kit throughout the day  - as agreed by the Head). 

     Dress Code for School Trips are that staff should wear the same as pupils.  If the pupils are expected to wear school uniform then staff   

     should wear smart/casual dress like a normal school day.  If the pupils are allowed to wear home clothes, then the staff can dress down 

     but still adhering to the rules above in regards to representation of Barfield e.g no ripped jeans, sandles etc.

Barfield Prep School values and welcomes ethnic diversity within the workforce and  therefore dress codes will take account of ethnic and religious dress requirements  with sensitivity - ensuring that employees are free to observe them. 

Any queries about uniform should be shared with your respective line manager in  the first instance. 


All staff will be issued with an identity badge on a Barfield lanyard, and this must be  worn at all times. Where a member of SLT decides that it is not practical to wear an  identity badge you must have them ready for inspection at all times. 

All visitors on site will be issued with a visitors badge on a red lanyard when they  sign in at the School Office. 

All staff are responsible for questioning anyone onsite who is not wearing a lanyard.