
There are three credit cards available within the School, Andrew Boyle, Karl Gibling  and Jenny Hughes. If you are wishing to purchase something under £250 you may use the Petty Cash card, which is held by Sarah Grantham. 

Barfield Prep School will refund all expenses incurred by staff wholly and  exclusively on school business according to the following principles: 

● Permission must be sought by a member of SLT before any purchases are  made; 

● Employees should neither gain nor lose; 

● Reimbursement will be made in accordance with the requirements of the  Inland Revenue and the school’s auditors. 

The reimbursement of expenses will happen once a claims form has been  completed via the School Intranet Site and the receipt scanned over to the expenses  email account ( 


Prior approval for all overtime claims must be sought from a member of SLT.  A form must be downloaded from the Intranet Page and completed and given to their  Line Manager on SLT who will approve it. It is the employees responsibility to  complete this form within the required time frame. 

Info about petty cash (purchases less than £30)

Please use the travel money card held by Sarah Grantham to make the purchase.  When you return the card, please ensure that you provide Sarah with a receipt.